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Here you find a Tutorial to download all neccessary files you
All files
need to be stored to a SD card formated to FAT 32 (max. 2GB, no SDHC card)
NUSD_v1.5_Beta and unzip it to your PC
- Start NUSD 1.5 and go to Extras
- Retrieve
common key (key.bin). The Common Key will be created
- go to Extras...
- Update Database. The Database will be downloaded.
- close NUSD and start it again the Database and the common key will be
- select Pack -> WAD and Delete Contents.
Select now in the Databse IOS and select the following IOS files and
download one by one
- IOS 36 v3351
- IOS 38 v4123
- IOS 57 v5918
- IOS 80 v6944
You find the
IOS __-64-v____.wad file in the folder where you out the NUSD ( ___ stand
for the IOS number).
Copy the wad files to the SD card (not in a subfolder directly to the root)
Now you have to deselect everything in NUSD and select only Decrypt.
Following IOS
will be downloaded
- IOS60 v6174
- IOS38 v3867
- IOS37 v3869
- IOS57 v5661
In the Folder NUS you will find now 4 furhter subfolders:
- 000000010000003Cv6174
- 0000000100000026v3867
- 0000000100000025v3869
- 0000000100000039v5661
Create a folder on our SD card with the name "ios".
Copy the four
folders from above into the "ios" folder of the SD card